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When you married, you never thought this day would occur yet here you are facing a separation or divorce. Whether you or your spouse is initiating this end, or whether it is mutual, here are some thoughts to help you through.

1. Recognize that a separation or divorce is a process not an event. It does not occur overnight. Deciding to take this step is a process. Working through the emotions is a...
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"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter" Dr King

We are at the most critical juncture of our modern day political saga.  The primaries for the next US President have turned into a debacle before our very eyes.  It is not the practice of myself as a therapist to mix political opinion with my professional work, however I believe that it is now unethical if I d...
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berriesYour brain deserves good food. Although it constitutes only 2 percent of your total body weight, your brain uses 25 percent of the glucose (sugar) coursing through your entire body; if there's not enough glucose available, it goes into a state of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), with symptoms of light-headedness, confusion, slow mental functioning, and lack of consciousness. Just like the heart,...
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Categories: healthy eating


While it may not be a formal medical diagnosis, it is a well-accepted fact that there is a direct correlation between organization and our mental well-being.  How much effect does clutter have on our lives? The answer is, "a profound effect!"  Clutter significantly affects our mental, physical and spiritual health.  Not to mention; low energy levels, bad moods, poor decision making, pessimism &...
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Categories: self help
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